Grow Green

Project Aim and Objectives

The project aims to empower young people about environmental protection and engage them to become change-makers and key actors regarding environmental issues in their community by firstly getting specific and adequate skills and knowledge about environmental issues and after by putting these skills and knowledge into practice through concrete action expecting to improve the current environmental situation in the community of Durres. In order to achieve this, the project is designed following an action plan for implementation that is based on three specific objectives that will help us to conclude and achieve the expected impact and the desired results. Specifically, this project intends to:

  • To empower 30 young people directly through a 5 days training programme aiming to equip them with proper and adequate skills and knowledge through non-formal learning methods and tools about environmental protection and other concepts related to the environment such as pollution, climate change and such.

  • To engage the trained participants and other young people in direct actions in the community by supporting them to put their learned skills and knowledge into practice through actions and activities such as workshops, campaigning activities, advocacy actions and such.

  • To improve the current environmental situation in the community of Durres by making young people and citizens more aware of their role and responsibility regarding environmental protection.

Project Phases

Training Implementation – This phase consists of the implementation of a 5 days training that will bring together 30 participants in an interactive training programme aiming to equip them with proper and adequate skills and knowledge through non-formal learning methods and tools about environmental protection and other concepts related to the environment such as pollution, climate change and such. This will be achieved using non-formal method tools of learning that will make it possible for participants to get equipped with relevant knowledge about environmental protection as a concept and adequate skills about how to promote environment protection themselves and the community and especially with vulnerable community groups.

Follow-Up – In this phase, the trained participants will get engaged in their community with the aim to empower other young people and make them aware of environmental protection by sharing their experience and putting their skills and knowledge gained through the training into practice. In specific, during the follow-up stage we want to: Implement at least 5 workshops with the community that aim to educate and empower other young people about environmental protection. Implement an online campaign aiming to make young people and community members aware of the importance of environmental protection and the negative effects that environmental pollution has in our daily life. Produce at least three awareness-raising videos aiming to raise awareness online. Produce graphic design posters with quotes/messages about environmental protection aiming to raise awareness online.

Produce three podcasts with experts and activists working on environmental issues. Through this approach wide dissemination of the project results among young people and among the community is ensured. Participants will have the space and the support to take their own actions as well and carry out their own activities among young people in their community, such as in schools, universities, youth organizations, youth clubs and forums, etc. This can be achieved mainly through online campaigning, face to face meetings and other methodologies that young people may come up with.

Training Days

Day 1
We started today the 5-days training in the framework of the project “Grow Green” a pilot activity project supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and being implemented by the Youth Activities Center on a local level in the city of Durres. On the first day of the training program, participants had the space and the opportunity to: Get to know each other and introduce themselves in groups through interactive exercises Get to know the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation as supporters of this project - Get to know the project topic, objectives, and their role in relation to the environmental protection
Day 2
We started today the 5-days training in the framework of the project “Grow Green” a pilot activity project supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and being implemented by the Youth Activities Center on a local level in the city of Durres. On the first day of the training program, participants had the space and the opportunity to: Get to know each other and introduce themselves in groups through interactive exercises Get to know the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation as supporters of this project - Get to know the project topic, objectives, and their role in relation to the environmental protection
Day 3
We started today the 5-days training in the framework of the project “Grow Green” a pilot activity project supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and being implemented by the Youth Activities Center on a local level in the city of Durres. On the first day of the training program, participants had the space and the opportunity to: Get to know each other and introduce themselves in groups through interactive exercises Get to know the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation as supporters of this project - Get to know the project topic, objectives, and their role in relation to the environmental protection
Day 4
We started today the 5-days training in the framework of the project “Grow Green” a pilot activity project supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and being implemented by the Youth Activities Center on a local level in the city of Durres. On the first day of the training program, participants had the space and the opportunity to: Get to know each other and introduce themselves in groups through interactive exercises Get to know the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation as supporters of this project - Get to know the project topic, objectives, and their role in relation to the environmental protection
Day 5
We started today the 5-days training in the framework of the project “Grow Green” a pilot activity project supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and being implemented by the Youth Activities Center on a local level in the city of Durres. On the first day of the training program, participants had the space and the opportunity to: Get to know each other and introduce themselves in groups through interactive exercises Get to know the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation as supporters of this project - Get to know the project topic, objectives, and their role in relation to the environmental protection


Workshop - Recycling

During this workshop the participants were informed about the importance of recycling in environment improvement and the use of manufacturing products efficiently. They learned some of the ways of recycling and some types of materials that have higher chances of recycling. We can follow to prevent the worsen of the situation. Through collective team work, they managed to elaborate their ideas and how to put them into practice to stimulate the others in community toward recycling.

Workshop - Act for the environment

During this workshop the participants were informed about the impact of human activity in the environment. They learned some of the ways that we can follow to prevent the worsen of the situation. Through collective conversations, they managed to elaborate their ideas on how to contribute for environmental pollution.

Workshop - Goal 13- Climate action

During this workshop the participants were informed about Goal 13 as one of the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development. They learned some of the ways that humans can be the destroyers of the environment and the climate and how can we be the ones who bring the change among them. Through team work they shared actual cases of changes in their daily routine that would have a significant impact in climate changes. 

Workshop - The values of natural resources education

During this workshop the participants were informed about natural resources and that’s the difference between the renewable and non-renewable ones. They also learned about the relation of human and nature considering the fact that many of negative health consequences come from negative impact of human in natural resources such as air and water pollution.
Through interactive exercises they shared ideas on how the youngsters can engage and become activist to protect the nature.

Workshop - Acoustic pollution

During this workshop the participants were informed about acoustic pollution and what causes it. They learned that acoustic pollution is not only an environmental problem, but it is also one of the biggest health risks because of the negative effects on the cardiovascular and metabolic system. Through team work they shared actual cases of acoustic pollution in community and they gave ideas on how this problem can be solved considering the role of the institutions. 

Community Action

In the framework of the World Environment Day

World Environment Day aims to inspire more people than ever before to take action to prevent the growing harm on planet Earth's natural systems. To give their contribution in this day, the young volunteers carried out cleaning actions in several polluted areas in the city of Durrës. Aiming to improve the environment they also managed to encourage other young people to engage in initiatives to help in creating a healthier lifestyle in a better world in the future.

