Grow Green
The project’s aim was to empower young people in environmental protection and engage them in becoming change-makers regarding these issues in their community.
The Power Of Youth
This project was implemented aiming to support young people in building their capacities to become political leaders and activists.
Promoting Human Rights Through Digital Media
This project aim was to engage young people in human rights protection and adresse their violation while using digital media.
Be a Buddy Not a Bully
A project implemented by young people through tackling bullying as a sensitive topic and human rights violation and empowering young people to say no to bullying.
Empowering Youth, Promoting Tolerance
A project implemented with the aim of addressing social issues of a diverse community and empowering youngsters to be open minded.
Voluntarism in Focus
A project implemented by young people aiming to engage other people in community in volunteering activities.
Youth for Unity in Diversity
This project aims to empower young people in promoting diversity and tolerance in order to fight the negative stereotypes such as hate speech, discrimination, exclusion through engaging and raising awareness among their peers while sharing the values of a diverse community where citizens can live in harmony regardless their differences.

About Us
Youth Activities Center has been founded as an Informal Group of Young People in 2014 by young people and youth workers with the purpose to promote the Erasmus+ Programme among youngster in Durres and entire Albania. In a period of 4 years, as a result of the experience in Erasmus+ Programme projects, in 15.10.2018 the organization was legally registered in Albanian authorities as a non-profit and non-governmental focused on youth work and youth issues.
Use your youth so that you may have comfort to remember it when it has forsaken you, and not sigh and grieve at the account thereof
-Walter Raleigh