About Us

Youth Activities Center has been founded as an Informal Group of Young People in 2014 by young people and youth workers with the purpose to promote the Erasmus+ Programme among youngster in Durres and entire Albania. In a period of 4 years, as a result of the experience in Erasmus+ Programme projects, in 15.10.2018 the organization was legally registered in Albanian authorities as a non-profit and non-governmental focused on youth work and youth issues.
Through all this years of experience as a youth group and now as a youth organization, we have been partners and we collaborated in different projects. Erasmus+ Programme has been our main focus as one amazing programme that offers opportunities for young people in different fields of life, equip them with information, skills, and knowledge in order to make them more capable for their community. In this period of time we have created a large network of partner organizations around Europe and we are working with them constantly in order to achieve our goals and objectives. Since 2018 we started working locally in our community by attending small activities with young people of our city and with high school and university students. We have a lot of impact in young people and students in our community.
Every day for us is a new challenge because our mission is to make youth more active and make them more responsible for the society. Our aims and motivation are to bring together as much people as we can and lead them straight to opportunities and give a chance to everyone. Our organization is focused mostly in the topics that addresses youth participation, youth engagement and youth empowerment in first place, as well as fostering cooperation among youngsters and raising their awareness about human rights, inclusion, social and political participation, reconciliation, ext.
We will work to bring in this project the most appropriate practices and involve young people that have interest in the project topic. Is very important to us to bring in your project responsible, active and collaborative participants. In this way we will contribute positively in your project and in the Erasmus+ Prrogramme.
We want our legacy to stand upon the youth. We want to give knowledge to the younger generation and be a part of changing the game.